Poszukuje Wykonawcy I Tytuł HDEND - Audiophile Air1 - CD2007 Track 3

Witam poszukuje wykonawcy i tytułu piosenki z płyty HDEND - Audiophile Air1 - CD2007 utwór 3 jest to składak, szukałem chyba wszedzie nawet programy nie rozpoznaja tej piosenki moze ktos pomoze bardzo bede wdzieczny
do pomocy podaje słowa piosenki no i kawałeczek do przesłuchania :)

Well I heard your goin' on a journey
and your route is laid out plain
Going where the sun shines every day
no more heart ache, no more pain

Don't pack those bags too full, my friend
Make sure you're travelin' light
& take enough of my love with you
to keep you warm at night

I hope that journey takes you everywhere
that you ever wanted to go
and the bad bits go past real quick
but the good times roll real slow

now we're all on some kind of journey
tomorow I could be leaving too
but where I ever end up goin' babe
I'll take a little piece of you

Now the heavens are weepin'
and I will not be sleepin.... tonight

Now I pray on that unseen star
No matter where you are
... You're gonna be alright!

I will be singing this song,
long after you're gone.


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